Big Changes Are Coming to Our Store!

Hey eco-warriors! 👋 We’ve got some exciting news to share. As you know, we’ve always been passionate about offering environmentally friendly, sustainable products. But as the world turns greener and eco-friendly items are popping up everywhere, we’ve decided to take a new approach to make an even bigger impact!

Starting now, we’ll be focusing on serving our local Maltese community by only selling products in Malta. Why? With rising shipping costs and more sustainable goodies easily available in shops near you, it just makes sense! But don’t worry, even if you’re not in Malta, we’re still here for you. 🌍

Our new mission? Helping YOU find the best sustainable products wherever you are in the world! Our blog and website will now feature expert advice, tips, and recommendations to help you discover eco-friendly gems in your local market.

To keep this project running and support our mission, we’ll also be adding affiliate links to some of the products we recommend. If you purchase through these links, we’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us keep the blog thriving while continuing to spread the green love. 🌱

Thanks for being part of our journey! Let’s keep making the world a little greener, together. 💚

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